Tuesday, 8 May 2007


I grew breasts late and then overtook everyone. Now I am a comfortable 34F.
I remember with nostalgia those days in like SS1.My mother would buy me and my sisters bras. But mine were different, not as fanciful as the others. "Alakpanla’s," (large straps) to be precise. You see, in her wisdom, she knew for me, support was trite.

Story’s different now though. I can get me bras that combine support with fancy.
My breasts, aside from my wit and humor are part of my assets.
My beautiful, firm, breasts!!!

So you can imagine my shock when Americana called to tell me I would have to refund his money for the bras he bought me.
You see, I met this guy about three months ago. His brother my friend introduced us because he felt we would end up two peas in a pod and that it would be a match made in heaven.
Americana and I have been talking, exchanging mails, photos, texts etc but we have not actually seen each other. Call it blind dating.

Honestly it was not deliberate but the pictures I sent him are only of my face.
Actually, em, that’s not entirely true. The reason they are only of my face is I only sent him pictures I downloaded from my phone.
So Americana and I have regular chat sessions. We talk about everything from politics to academics to business to fashion, and then we talk some more. We have even described how we look to each other. My own version of me is that I am slim and tall…….we never got to talk about my jugs.

So Americana is visiting me. We’ll be meeting for the first time.
He’s been shopping for me. Bags, footwear, wrist watches, infact, its like Americana is generous.
And then……he decides to get intimate, so he asks my bra size and I reply with glee (I am an incurably optimistic bra collector) ‘34 F’.
Some guys are not exactly conversant with sizes. So he thought nothing of it. I am quick to add that I love Victoria secret, bravissimo and Rigby & Peller, you know, to mention a few.

So as I said earlier I was shocked when he calls to say I must refund his money.
Our conversation was something like this

A - You lied
Me- Me lie? About what?
A-You must refund my money. That was a silly joke. I know you were just having fun.
Me – (getting Impatient) cut to the chase! I don’t understand
A-you lied about your bra size. You are slim and tall. That can’t be your bra size!

It took me all of 10 seconds to digest this, recover and then it snowballed into humor! I laughed so hard I cried.
Americana can’t believe his luck. Guys come on! Your very own Tyra Banks!!!!
Americana actually consulted his cousin who assured him he probably didn’t “hear” the right size.

So I try to explain to explain to him. You see I am top heavy, but I am slim and tall too (my waist is 26 and my hips 40).

This brings me to what i have been trying to say. I love my body. As a teenager, in my ignorance I did so much to stop my breasts growing (You won’t believe the things I did). With time I grew into my own. I grew to accept my body. I honestly could not wish for a better body. I accept it, I am proud of it and I know this is how God wants me to be.
I love that people stare. I love that my friends want to know what I do to maintain a trim waist.
This is how I love to be.
Americana arrives in a few days. If you are nice, I’ll keep you posted!!